quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011

Socrates, portuguese PM, at his best

There are those who have very clear ideas about this crisis in Portugal. Fanaticism and hatred Pets help to better withstand disruptions, but are not as useful when what is needed is to find solutions.

And then there are others, most of the Portuguese, I think, who do not know what tothink about all of this and believes in a little bit here and another there, and that suspect that basically nobody has the courage to tell the whole truth.

The days of yesterday can only increase the doubts of those who have doubts. On one hand, José Socrates, Portugal ex PM, with his undeniable gift of oratory, regardless of content, came to say that he tried to protect us, people, to the last of the big bad wolf, or IMF, but that the other boys do not care if we are devoured like Grandma and Capuchin.

For him, external assistance will martyr "families, individuals and businesses who will suffer harsher measures of austerity and restraint." Plays the logger until the end. The other, economists advocates of foreign aid (Blame, though, Jose Socrates for his need) confirms that it is true that there will come tougher measures of austerity and restraint, which will be harder and harder, but only sin to come later, since there is no other way to solve national problems. They say it will hurt a lot, in less time, and lead to healing. 

But to confuse the issue, the Opposition that accuses Socrates of lack of transparency does not say a thing or defends another. Okay, okay, I have one certainty now: that Jose Socrates, after quitting as PM, last night announced its candidature at the forthcoming elections. And others followed him immediately footsteps. Cavaco, Portugal's President, can listen to whoever he wants, but I bet the PM declared open the election campaign.

source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12845668

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

Critiques on Italy's concern about immigration

The European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso implicitly criticized Italy because it is concerned primarily with the flow of illegal immigrants and refugees that come from Libya and less with the issue of human rights. 
During a meeting of diplomats in Brussels, France and Germany supported the implementation of restrictive measures against Lybia as the repression of protests against the regime of Kadhafi increase.This issue created around the illegal migration and refugees, is  used as a means of not supporting democracy and I am not in agreement with at. Countries should support human rights wherever they are being threatened.